Sunday 23 October 2016

Super-Visor versus SUPA-Visor


SUPA - 'A' di situ dibunyikan seperti 'nga', therefore: SUPA = SUP'nga' + Visor.
Fungsi SUP'nga' + Visor adalah terbalikan (opposite) dari fungsi sebenar Supervisor. Makna kata kedua dua tersebut berkadar songsang.

Take the pop quiz!
How Well Do You Know Your Supervisor?
1. Where did your supervisor go for undergrad? (1 point)
2. Where is your supervisor’s home town? (1 point)
3. Who was your supervisor’s supervisor (your grandsupervisor? (1 point).
4. How many siblings does he/she have, and what are their professions? (1 point).
5. What is your supervisor’s middle name? (1 point).

Your score:
4-5 - You know WAY too much about your supervisor.
2-3 - You Google-stalked him, didn’t you? (The new term is Googleable).
0-1 - You have a normal relationship with your supervisor.

Nota: Khas untuk pelajar pelajar PhD ('P'ayah 'H'onak 'D'apat)...mmmmmm.

ahlifikirnegara: Aku punya score 4 out-of 5 sebab aku dah bawak dia merayau Jonkers' Walk. Nak hidup kenalah usaha macamana macamana pun.

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