Wednesday 19 October 2016



Attitudes count more that achievements.
Sikap di kira lebih dari pencapaian.
Beradab lebih dari Berilmu.
Berakhlak lebih dari Berguru.

Berguru ke padang datar, dapat rusa belang kaki. Berguru kepalang ajar, bagai bunga kembang tak jadi.

If you can achieve equilibrium/equality among those, Then Okay.
Otherwise the left portions must be exceeded the right figures.
It is a must to gain respectful.

Attitudes = achievements.
Sikap = pencapaian.
Beradab = Berilmu.
Berakhlak = Berguru.

Jangan ingat dah ada PhD, boleh lupa kepada 'Attitudes'/Sikap, Beradab dan Berakhlak. Entah entah PhD tuh yang tarik bawak masuk neraka. Nauzubillah.

Check and eat these.

1. Authenticity = Share true feelings
2. Mutuality = Encourage each other.
3. Sympathy = Support each other
4. Mercy = Forgive each other
5. Honesty = Speak the truth in love
6. Humility = Admit our weaknesses
7. Courtesy = Respect our differences
8. Confidentiality = Not Gossip
9. Priority = Frequency.

ahlifikirnegara: Colek Gigi = Bersihkan gusi.
It is a common ground when the Frequency less than the Priority, (Therefore) we are always wasting the time, and we try to cover-up by saying, 'I have no time', 'Time is limited' and so forth.

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