Sunday 31 July 2016

The Quality Remains!


Once Upon A Time, there was a Malay boy whose surname was Proton.

The Old Man came to him when he was 18 and asked him, “What do you want to do with your life?”

The boy replied, “I want to go into the automotive industry. I want to make great cars.”

The Old Man answered, “You won’t be able to compete. Everyone on earth is in cars.”

The boy replied, “I want to get the best of everything; best materials, best designers and produce a great car that people will want to buy.”

The Old Man said, “Son, that’s good, but if you’re going to use the best of everything you are going to have to charge the top price, and people won’t be able to afford your stuff.”

The boy’s response to his Dad , “Dad, long after the price is forgotten, the quality remains.”

ahlifikirnegara: Alah Membeli Menang Memakai.

Buat PhD pun kena macam tuh punya semangat. Sabar jugak lah menjadi penyelamat kepada sebarang godaan dan cobaan. Jaga Diri Hiasi Peribadi.

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