Wednesday 27 July 2016

Happy Weekend...


Husband: after tomorrow is sunday & I have to enjoy it... So i bought 3 movie tickets...
Wife: why three???
Husband: 4 u and ur parents....
Wife: ............... (tolong jawab)

Dad to son: when I beat you how do you control your anger?
Son: I start cleaning toilet
Dad: How does that satisfy you?
Son: I clean it with 'your' toothbrush.

Pak Mat : I am a Proud father, my son is in Medical College.
Pak Itam : Really, what is he studying,
Pak Mat : No he is not studying, they are Studying him.

A drunkard was brought to court. Just before the trial there was a
Commotion in the gallery.
The judge pounded the gravel on his table and shouted, "Order, order."
The drunkard immediately responded, "Thank you, your honor, I'll have
A scotch and soda."

Man : How old is your father?
Boy : As old as me.
Man : How can that be?
Boy : He became a father only when I was born.

ahlifikirnegara: di"sumbang"kan oleh Azmi Othman

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