Tuesday 10 January 2017

Kem Motivasi Kecemerlangan Pelajar (23 ~ 25 Jan 2004)


August 10th, 2009 by mohamadminhat

Dah dekat nak balik ni, teringat pulak saya kepada bekas dan para pelajar saya, yang dulu dulu sedari sejak semenjak dua menjak (apa ni!) tahun 2001.

Dulu saya ‘join’ universiti sebagai Jurutera (J3). Apa ada kelas J3? Itulah satu kritikan orang di belakang badan saya yang disampaikan oleh Pengarah Pusat Komputer dari sedara rakan rakan kawan kenalan karib saya.  J3 pun J3 lah…dia pun apa ada kelas sangat? Semua orang kentut nya busuk jugak. (Kecuali Rasul Allah lah kot,,kekasihNYA).

Berbalik kepada bekas pelajar pelajar ’senior’ tersebut (dari 2001), ada yang dah jadi Pegawai (Pagar Dawai) serta orang orang kenamaan pun. Tahniah lah. Ada segelintir pelajar saya yang dah ada PhD pun. Bravo!!

Ini saya bawakan kembali senarai ceramah yang saya berikan dulu dalam bentuk ‘print-out’ kepada mereka.  Dalam sessi kursus/kem tersebut saya cuma jual kelentong aje selama 2 jam di selang seli kan dengan kisah kisah lucu pengalaman semasa saya bekerja sebagai Jurutera di industri.

Bachelor Degree ni macam tiket wayang aje. ‘Once’ kau dah dapat tiket tuh, pandai pandai lah kau nak duduk kat mana, kalau kau dapat tiket ‘first class’,,kau duduk lah depan,,kalau dapat tiket ‘cheap matinee’…haaaa kau duduk lah kat mana kau suka.

Bila dah ‘join’ masyarakat, semua nya kena belajar dari kosong balik. Ilmu di universiti tuh sebagai pedoman sahaja dan untuk kita imbau kan kembali kerumitan yang telah berjaya kita tempuh dan lalui semasa di universiti dulu.

Bak kata orang Rombau,  “Kek Universiti den tak sosek, inikan kek Kolumpor”.

Okay cuba tengok sedikit nasihat saya kepada bekas pelajar tersebut, siri ulangan ini untuk adik aku di UTM serta anak anak buah aku yang berada di serata pusat pendidikan ternama dan tersohor.. korang kena baca Inggeris tau banyak banyak.


Adopt a strategic approach

Work out exactly why you are trying to do and why (your goals)

Decide which of your goals the highest priority

Review resources availability. Facilities and tutor. There are there to help you

Word processing equipment / laptops

What resources you can “ to provide ”

One major resources is time

Start thinking

Start collecting materials

Student syndrome – last minute work

Work out a plan that makes use of your resources to achieve goals

Develop an interest in your subject

Learn effectively, enjoy it.

Study is like playing a puzzle

Answer questions

Read carefully

Identify requirements (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Listen tutor advice, ask questions

Discuss with students

Clarify uncertain areas to your tutor

Discuss with students

Clarify uncertain areas to yourtutor

Answers must relevant

Put some effort

Level of success depends on the level of efforts

Read around the subject

Cover sufficient breadth and depth

Adopt a rigorous, analytical and critical approach

Demonstrate your insight and originality

Relevant examples, quotes and references

DO NOTinclude whole block of extracted from others

Present your work well

Plan and logically structure your work

Reference all quotations

Identify all data, figure, graphs and material extracted


Read through, grammar + syntax

Member pages and provide content list


Your work is both good and original

Unfortunately, where it is good

It is not original and where it is original it is not GOOD

Critical Thinking



Level of understanding

Explain your reasoning. Open ended answer

Why do you think that? Justify

Can you defend your position?

What are the parts that make up the problem (situation etc)

What criteria or test should we use in this case?

What caused that?

How might we prove / disprove that

Explain what the other sides position is (DO NOT ONE – sided view)


Seeing patterns

Organization of parts

How that system behave

Input – output relationship

Recognition of hidden meanings

Identification of components


Use old ideas to create new ideas

Generalize from given facts

Relate knowledge from several areas

Predict, draw conclusions

Main purpose of the report


Compare and discriminate between ideas

Assess value of theories, models etc

Assess value of theories, models etc

Verify value of evidence

Recognize subjectivity + bias

Be the best

No one push harder than yourself

Tough times do not last, tough people do

Study skills books

General study guides371.30281

Time Mgt658.4093

Revision + exam skills378.166

Oral communication302.2

Writing + essay skills378.166

Effective reading428.43

Problem solving + writing808.066

Critical thinking616





What it is about?


What is or is not included?

Purpose – to help you learn something

Why it is required ?


For whom it is intended?

What do they want from the report/assignment?

Assessment objectives

To examine your level of attainment relative to the learning outcomes for the subject



Collect information

Text books




Read widely

Approach with an open mind

Look for primary sources

Critically examine sources fro validity, subjectivity and bias

Try to find alternative view

Challenge assumptions

Form your own opinions

Structural your materials

Is it relevant?

What point it is trying to make?

Where does is fit into the structure

Does it need to be in an appendix/appendices?

Structure your report/assignment

No one best structure

Clear Concise Correct Complete

Mengajar Kena Serius dan Emosi Teguh seperti semasa Belajar!

Mengajar Kena Serius dan Emosi Teguh seperti semasa Belajar!

ahlifikirnegara: Ini aku tak ciplak dari mana mana sumber. Ianya adalah tulisan nota tangan yang aku catit semasa Cikgu aku mengajar di Coventry University, England UK. Korang dah sampai situ belum?

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