Monday 7 November 2016

(Diabetes) Kencing manis and Kece-Mase (Emergency???)


Kencing Manis versus Kencing Masin.

This's also happened in one of the East Coast block of Malaysia. Malaysian stories more merrier.

It happened in an Emergency Clinic where so many patients had been awaiting after so long queuing. One of the patient suffering from a Diabetes (Kencing Manis or in colloquial ‘Kece Manih’).

At a sudden another patient was rush inside the clinic and directly attended by the GP. The situation created uncomfortable scene to the rest of the patients including this diabetes / Kece Manih patient.

Diabetes Patient (Kece Manih): Wassup Bro? Why should he has to be entertained first rather than us queuing from the dark of the dawn (translated from ‘gelap gelap subuh’)?

Patient 2: He is under Emergency Case …emmm. The patient has Kece Mase case.

Diabetes Patient (Kece Manih): Why on earth Kece Mase should get better treatment rather than me of Kece Manih.

Patient 2: It is not Kencing Masin buddy!! It is Kece Mase i.e. Emergency case.

Diabetes Patient (Kece Manih): *&^%$#@! (Tak Puas Hati).

ahlifikirnegara: How he could measure the content of salt on other’s urine?

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