Monday 1 November 2021

Very Touching Words

 The Kuwaiti writer Abdullah JarAllah has died. He is the writer of these very touching words:

I will not worry upon my death nor be unduly concerned about my body, for my Muslim brothers will do the needful. They will disrobe me, wash me, enshroud me, take me from my home, and carry me to my grave. Many will come to participate in my Janaaza. They would have taken time off their jobs or canceled appointments in order to attend my burial.

My belongings will be disposed of.

My keys, books, briefcase, shoes, clothes and so on.

If my family are amenable, they will donate my things to benefit me.

Be rest assured the world would not mourn my death, and the movement of the world wouldn't stop, and trading will continue, and someone else will do my job, and my wealth will be lawfully inherited by my heirs, whilst I will be taken to account for it.

A little, or a lot, nothing will be unaccounted for.

The first thing I will lose upon death will be my name. Upon my death they will ask: "where is the body?" They will not call me by my name.

When they want to perform the salah for me they will say: "bring the janaza." They will not call me by my name.

When they are ready to bury me, they will say "bring the deceased." They will not mention my name.

Due to this, I will not be deceived by my clan, nor tribe, and neither my status nor fame.

How insignificant this world is, compared to what we will face.

O, you who are alive right now, know that sorrow for you are of 3 types

Those who really knew you, they will say poor fellow (miskeen)

Your friends who will remain sad for hours or days, then they will return to their discourses and entertainment.

Deep sorrow at home. Your family will be sad for a week or two, a month, two months or even a year after which you will be but a memory.

Your story has ended amongst people, but your real story has just began, and its the hereafter.

You have been divested from: Beauty, wealth, health, children, houses, castles, and your spouse.

Nothing remains with you except your deeds. You have now begun the "real" life.

The question here is what you have prepared for your grave and your hereafter right now? 

This reality needs some deep reflection.

So safeguard:

The fardh prayers and duties.

Nafl and Sunnah prayers.

Secret charity.

Good deeds.

Tahajjud prayers.

So that you may be saved

Help to remind people through these utterances, while you are still alive. If Allah wills, you will find the effect of your reminder in your scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgement.

And remind, most certainly, reminding is fruitful for the believer.

Why do you think the dead wish to perform charity if they return to the Earth? 

As Almighty Says: {And donate from what We have provided for you before death comes to one of you, and you cry, “My Lord! If only You delayed me for a short while, I would give in charity and be one of the righteous.}

He didn't say I'll perform Umrah or so I could pray or so I could fast.

The dead mentioned charity due to what (s)he saw of its great effect after his/her death.

So give plenty of charity, and the best of charity you could possibly do at this moment is to spend 10 seconds to forward this advice as a reminder; after all a good word is a charity.

Allah bless you.

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