Wednesday 29 March 2017

Special Force A-Team

Special Force A-Team A300 Fixed Trailing Edge FTE Mechanical Assembly - Airbus/Malaysia First Part Delivery to BAe System UK.
Left to Right: Zul, Jamari, M Minhat, Raja, Mike (Flied Noodle), Abang Zul PaintShop, Azmi ENGR. MGR.,  Dave, QC Saiful.
ahlifikirnegara: That was in 2000/2001 Project. Cool.

Thursday 16 March 2017

My Raised Teenager Son and Daughters.

July 7th, 2009 by mohamadminhat

My raised teenager son and daughters (Are you proud to be their parents so far?).


My wife and I have two sons and two daughters so far (yang sudah siap lah) and to raise; to look after them may need a skill of parenting rehearsal and dress/drill for life to make them the good living things on earth.

I don’t say my missus and I am the best parent but please keep reading on this article which will let you explore the need of teenagers and the confusion that they possess i.e. my kids in particular. As a matter of fact, teens need us (as their parent) to be just as closely involved at 15 as we were at five. You got it? You are responsible for loving your kids; but sadly the kids mostly need our love the most when they are at their horrible. As a parent we have to set and keep clearly defined boundaries.



I am looking at my teen kids and observed that they need to own ‘wisdom’ for themselves. It means we need to be more coach than as a commander. A good coach works to get the family members real part of the team and shapes the team to be a winner. The coach shall know his team to be worked with, do not criticize and brought down any negatives comments.

Don’t lecture them (for the next 45 minutes or one period of slot); help them make a plan to set any opportunities. I consider my teens are young adult. Normally I don’t give commands, I give them strategies. In New Zealand, my teen kids live in a defective culture which inspires selfishness and individualism.

“Umi, Umi, Umi”! My 12 year old daughter yelled.”My teacher said SEX is the most fun you can have without laughing!”

“When did she tell you that?” asked Umi.

“Emmm….I read it in her book,” my kid replied.

See? The privatization of conscience robs teenagers of a sense of community. It empties my kids’ emotional tank. For that emotional tank to be filled, they need attention.

One day they will ask us, “Can I Love? Can I be loved?’ For your information, girls give sex to get love but boys give love to get sex.


Dreams or Goals?

Often my wife and I am one soft parent and one tougher parent, depend on a situation. The simple principle for me is that whoever deals with my teen issue first, stays with it. The other parent does not (please do this) interfere or contradict.

I try my best to give my teen kids dreams and goals as there are the important part of the mix.

“You can live 10 days without food, 8 minutes without O2, but you can’t live 1 second without hope.”

Sikit hari lagi Tayar Belakang akan potong Tayar Depan.

I treat my teen kids as friends and for friend, “is the person who knows all about you, and still likes you.” Sometimes my kids responded to me, “Show Off, Dad” but they still believe me when I proved them with my old funny pictures and participate any outdoor activities with them, even though my fitness is not up to the standard but to the least my kids will start to have a second thought of me as they always say that I am showing off.

You know wire men? (Do you know what I mean?).


ahlifikirnegara: …zuriatina qurrota a’yun wa ja’alana minal/lil muttaqina imama.
It doesn’t matter in what languages; Kids copy what an adult does 

Jam Bapak Kau!

July 4th, 2009 by mohamadminhat

Sejak duk surang surang ni memang liat (apa yang liat?) nak bangun pagi?

Adakah anda tergolong dalam kumpulan homosapiens yang liat nak bangun pagi walaupun loceng jam dah berdering separuh mati? hahaha….ini dia produk yang anda nanti-nantikan. ..check it out.

1. Jam Gantung

Jam ni bila berbunyi ia akan naik slow2 ke atas sampai le anda dapat tangkap ia dan hentikan bunyi jam ini. Bayangkan le kalau anda lambat bangun? Ia akan berdering2 di siling bilik anda? Terpaksa cari tangga pulak. Baik bangun dan matikan ia…

2. Jam Puzzle

Untuk menghentikan jam ini korang kene selesaikan jigsaw puzzle yang diberikan. Abih, puzzle dah siap tak reti2 nak bangun?

3. Jam Cekik

Seperti namanya, korang kene cekik leher jam ni supaya dia berenti berbunyi. Dan dia akan vibrate agar darah2 lancar ke otak korang supaya korang leh bangun…

4. Jam Polis

Jam ni ada vibrator, kekuatan bunyi nya 95 desibel cukup le untuk kejutkan seluruh neighbourhood dan yang best ada lampu mcm lampu kete polis tu….pedih mata wooo…

5. Jam Pin

(Tak ada kene mengena dengan Ayah Pin). Seperti namanya dan rupanya, korang kene cari pin mana yang perlu ditekan untuk mematikan jeritan jam loceng ni. Dan kedudukan pin diubah setiap hari secara automatik. Abis kalau dah bersila menekan semua pin, takkan tak daya nak ke bilik air lagi?

6. Jam Ayam Bertelur

Jam ni bila berbunyi dia akan mengeluarkan telur dengan banyak. Selagi korang tak bangun, kutip telur-telur tu, masukkan dalam bakul dan masukkan balik dalam jam..selagi tu ia takkan berhenti berbunyi…. kelass koo!!

7. Jam GI Joe

Mesti korang penah tgk kan kartun GI Joe. Jam ni akan menjerit macam askar bagi arahan dengan kuat sampai le korang bangun, berkawat 10 minit dan push up 50 kali (tang ni aku tambah aje)..

8. Jam Terbang

Ni antara jam yang paling best. Bila ia berbunyi, ia akan terbang dan terbang sampai le korang leh tangkap ia dan tutup alarm jam ini. Awas, pastikan korang tidur dengan tingkap bertutup kerana kalau jam ni terbang keluar…..pandai2 lah korang kejar sampai ke umah jiran yekk..

9. Jam Grenade

Korang tau lah kan apa fungsi grenade. Sekali dia ‘meletup’ dia punya bunyi….confirm lepas tu korang kene halau dari neighbourhood tu…

10. Jam Nyorok-Nyorok

Inilah jam yang paling powerful. Sekali dia berbunyi, dia akan bergolek lah bergoleklah suka hati dia lah kemana dia nak golek dan dia akan sembunyi. Selagi korang tak jumpa dia, selagi tu dia takkan berenti melalak. Kalau pintu bilik terbuka dan ini jam sudah turun tangga….kaput lah beb…..

Amacam, best tak jam-jam ni? sapa2 nak beli bleh le order kat …kat mana exactly aku pun tak tau sebab aku pun dapat mende2 ni dari orang…. ..selamat mengejar jam!!!!

Wooooo…..memang power betoi lah hang punya jam..


ahlifikirnegara: dulu dulu masa sekolah kat melaka,,kawan kawan selalu tanya,

“Jam Bapak Kau Mati itu hari, Kau nangis tak?”

“Buat hapa haram jadah aku nak nangis, Jam Bapak Kau mati…aku hantar kedai ajelah,!”.

Lagi power Jam tu….saya namakan dia Jam Bapak….

kalau orang luar melaka dengar …pasti terbangun dari tidur jugak.