Wednesday 8 May 2013

Wondering on Hypnotherapist - Berfikir tentang Pukau


Hi Dear Madam Pemukau (Hypnotherapist),
I did just some or a little research; meaning on Hypnotherapist and kind of other similar terms.
Do you mind advising me something?

Lately I went to SenSei (Chinese Herbs Station), and he noticed that I am lacking of sleeping episode. He might be true and I tried to avoid to say 'yes'. (FYI, I am trying to avoid to see Bomoh too).

The true thing happened on me is still unknown. Can Hypnotherapist help? I do not mind paying the fee. (for a closed friend it might be discounted).

Thanks Dear; for any of you comments.


Hi Ahlifikrinegara,

Hypnotherapist is basically a therapist who uses hypnosis as one of the tools for therapy on addressing issues faced by the client. A lot of people has misconceptions when it comes to hypnosis in therapy, as they see hypnosis as how it is portrayed by Hollywood. In reality, what's seen in the movies and tv's, is not what hypnotherapy is.

Lacking in sleep is not healthy physically and mentally. Your sen sei is right. He may be able to give you some herbs that will be able to help you relax and calm the nerves. And yes, please avoid seeing bomoh. Most of them are charlatans!

Here's a good link on sleep. And please click on the link at No 5 as it has you some suggestions on some easy steps to sleep:

Try it out!

And I am more than happy to give you suggestions and ideas! :)

Best regards.

ahlifikirnegara: Disclaimer- This post is an example document of feeling thing. Do no get insulted or offended, it is meant for a thinking game (fikir sikit).

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